Andrew was the husband of my friend Annie, whom I have known since old days in Peterborough, and whose friendship I value highly. It was with trepidation that I met Andrew for the first time ! Often our great friends' spouses turn out not to be "kindred spirits " ---- a very real disappointment ! But when I was introduced to Andrew, in a matter of minutes I realised that all was well. Here was a man one could immediately warm to, a man of great culture, of many interests, but also a man with a very fine sense of humour. On later visits to Perpignan, I came to know Andrew's great kindness, when he took me to many fascinating places connected with parts of French history which I was particularly interested in. Nothing was too much trouble, and I really appreciated his thoughtfulness. All in all, Andrew was a man who will be very much missed by all who knew and loved him.