Tim Buckland 3rd February 2011

Je crois qu'il faut que j'ecris en francais... mais je suis un anglais ignorant! I have only just read of Andrew's death in the O.I. (Old Ipswichian - schhol magazine) Andrew, or "Paz" as I knew him, was my main friend at Ipswich Schhol in our first three years: 11-13. We both lived in Shotley, nr HMS Ganges, and travelled to school on the bus together. We were pals in the sixth form too, both working in the holidays at "Tolly Cobbolds" a brewery in Ipswich. Since then, I moved away from Ipswich and did not keep up. Without being mawkish, the silence of nearly 40 years, does not eclipse the happy and important schoolboy memories, the long days of play, Paz and I enjoyed with John Gillies, Rusty et al. So, a long time ago but no less sad. Cheers Paz! Tim Buckland